Monday, August 30, 2010

First and Second Days of School

While today was Padyn's actual second day of school (number 4 in the school calendar year), it was Kate's first day of school. It was only half her class, and she doesn't get to go tomorrow when the other half comes, but still. She got to go. And she was super excited about it. You can see, she thought very carefully about what she wanted to wear...Fortunately, some of the outfit got changed, as you can see in this picture. I don't remember how I convinced her to get rid of the sweatband in exchange for a real headband, but it was genius on my part. As you will see later, she also substituted her pink boots for pink tennies, and she added a lei.

So, you know what was so hysterical about the sweatband? One of Kate's friends in her class came to school with his hair in a sweatband. I'm sure Kate was very jealous and upset that I made her change. All the kids are doing it. Really? It must be a 4 year old thing.
Ok, here's what actually went to school...
And here is Kate Squared. They are investigating the new bunny in their class, Rascal.
It only took about 47 seconds for her to discover the dress up clothes in this classroom are different from the ones in her old classroom. She was pretty excited about this Ariel wedding dress.And this is where I left her. In the capable hands of my friend, Miss J. What's better than being dressed up, holding a monkey (the class mascot), and having your friend's mommy (and now your teacher) read to you and your pal? Not much.


Susan said...

Wow, Ella and Kate have similar tastes in clothes and accessories! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Why does my 4 year old niece have such a mature smile/face in pics? It freaks me out!