Friday, June 04, 2010

Just Another Typical Morning

This morning, Kate came into my room as I was getting dressed and said...

Mommy, I just threw up a little, well, medium size (she demonstrated with her hands) but I wiped it up with my Dora blanket.


After a few questions like "Does your tummy hurt?" and "Were you coughing and that made you throw up?" I still could not determine if this was truly the stomach flu or just a weird congestion related vomiting. No fever, no diarrhea, she was playing and acting normally...

About 45 minutes later she was puking again. And 20 minutes after that. I'm thinking stomach flu for sure.

And Daddy is gone for the weekend. Great timing, kiddo.

1 comment:

Erin said...

OF COURSE Daddy is gone. I've been sick this time, which is almost as bad as one of the kids being sick! Hope K feels better soon.