Monday, August 04, 2008

Conversations at Dinner #37

"I'm Wonder Red. Kate, you're Princess Presto (Kate interjects-"Pinces Pesto!"). Mommy, you're Super, you're the pig. Daddy is Super Why."

Ummm...why do I have to be the pig? And what is the pig's name anyway? At least I have alphabet power...

And if you have no idea what any of this exchange means, feel blessed.


missliss said...

Ah, Super Why. We are big fans too. Dave is usually alphabet pig.

Erin said...

You're ALPHA PIG!! He's my favorite. Avery is always Princess Presto. :)

Cozy Mom said...

not only do I know you are Alpha Pig, but I started singing the ABCs the alpha pig way. Did I know my details this well in med school? it is scary how much kid information is made to be retained by the mind. Can someone teach our professors how to do that?