Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day of the Next 13 Years of Her Life

Padyn started kindergarten today. She seemed less anxious then I did. And boy, was she ready. She had her Hello Kitty backpack, Hello Kitty lunch bag, and new Hello Kitty pencil set to bring with her to her first day of school. Why wouldn't she be ready?
Ready for school...I love how her backpack is on upside down. I didn't correct her.At school...well, parked down the block from the school. Since it was the first day, it was a little crowded. We had to walk a bit to get to P's classroom.Padyn had seen her classroom on Friday from the outside, so she was pretty keen to check it out this morning from the inside. She immediately found some toys and a clipboard to draw on. But most exciting? Her friend Danielle was in her class! We didn't know this until this morning. I'm sure this is why Padyn was so eager for us to leave.Danielle was first to spot that her and Padyn's cubbies are right on top of each other. How cool is that?

And Kate? She wanted to be in kindergarten, too. Well, she wanted to play on the kinder playground, anyway. I'm not even sure Padyn would willingly climb up this little structure.And tomorrow? Only 179 days until summer break...


Erin said...

How great that she was SO ready to be at school! I hope it continues to go well. I love your pictures!

Ah ha! I found it! said...

How you doing?? Tough day for a mama.

Ro said...

Congratulations, Padyn! Brandon also loves kindergarten (where they practice with wearing backpacks - seriously!). He does wonder why he has to go every day, though.