Getting ready...he didn't even mind the bib. But see how we're set up outside? I figured it was going to get messy.
Oh, I said there were two "firsts." The other happened the same day. We let him cry himself to sleep and he slept through the night. Ok, that might be a total of three firsts. But he didn't wake up at all between 9pm and 6am. That has never ever happened before. I don't know if the letting him cry it out contributed, but whatever the reason, I'll take it.
He did the same thing again last night. He did wake up a couple times during the night, but I left him to cry and he promptly went back to sleep.
Wait, you don't have enough information. This is huge because for the last week or so, he's been waking up every hour and a half during the night. And what do I do? Go in, give him his pacifier, re-swaddle him, and he promptly goes back to sleep. Mommy was getting tired. Getting 7 hours of sleep in a row? HUGE!
Oop, I hear the little man now. Best go get him up. He's slept now for about 12 hours
Strong work!
Wow, that's great! Callie loved rice cereal and every other baby food out there. Avery did not. She hated every single thing I tried to give her unless it was a bottle. So I'm glad R is already liking cereal. AND sleeping through the night! Awesome.
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