Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Comparison at Eight Months

Better late than never.

Seeing as how we were having Padyn's birthday party on Kate's 8 month birthday, then the 4th was Daddy's birthday, then on the 5th we got on an airplane to visit the W's, the girls' eight month comparison post somehow got forgotten. Well, here it is. A week or so late, but I'm sure no one but me noticed, right?

I couldn't find a picture of the girls where they were wearing the same outfit seeing as how Padyn turned 8 months old in July and Kate celebrated that month birthday in December. I tried to find pictures of them doing similar things, and that was difficult as well. At 8 months, Padyn was sitting like a champ, but not moving anywhere. In fact, at 8 1/2 months is when she really figured out the rolling around on the floor thing. Not that she wasn't rolling over before, it's just that she finally figured out that is was FUN to roll around, as evidenced by these photos. And look-she is on a blanket. I could still put her down on a blanket and she wouldn't go anywhere. Look, here's when she also just figured out how to push up on her arms. When did Kate do that? Earlier. That's all I know. Here's Kate on Dec. 3rd at P's party at the Little Gym. She looks much more mobile, doesn't she? Let me tell you, changing this kid's diaper is like being in a wrestling match.
Going back through all Padyn's 8-9 month photos and viewing the few I have of Katelyn, I see many differences. Padyn was still in her swing, she was eating table foods regularly, and in almost every picture she is sitting up. This right here is one of the only pictures I have of Katelyn sitting up right now. She just wants to be moving too badly to sit still for a photo.

What else can I tell you about Katelyn at 8 months? She loves putting any non-food item in her mouth (as demonstrated above). She particularly enjoys paper and Kleenex products. She doesn't like table food very much. I have to break her cheerios up for her or else she will gag, choke and puke everything she's eaten in the last hour. When I try to give her other small foods (crackers, pears, banana, avocado) she completely refused to put them in her mouth. I did manage to get her to eat small bits of Saltine crackers today. Maybe she just likes salty like her Mommy. She loves crawling around and pulling herself up on her knees, especially onto the laundry basket and the bottom stair. She hasn't managed to pull to her feet yet except when sitting on me, and she hasn't been able to get into a sitting position by herself.

She usually takes 2 naps a day, and still wants to have 5-7 liquid feedings a day, along with her 3 solid food feedings. (This, by the way, is my least favorite aspect of this age. I feel like your entire day revolves around them eating. Fortunately, she's quick when it comes to the liquids). Her favorite food is sweet potatoes and she strongly dislikes any green food.

She is trying to talk, but really all she can say is Dadda, and I don't really know yet if she connects the word with her Daddy. I keep trying to get her to say Momma, but she just looks at me, smiles and says, "Dadda!" The other day I pulled out a bottle and she said, "Babba." I don't know if she actually knows that she said the word for bottle, or if it was just coincidence, but that might go down as her first word connected to meaning.

By far Kate's favorite person is still Padyn. Padyn can make her laugh like no one else. Kate loves watching her big sister dance around and sing, and whatever Padyn is playing with, Kate wants it, too. She isn't so content to hang with her own toys anymore. More and more, she wants to crawl over and check out what Padyn has. You can imagine that this ticks Padyn off to no end. I have visions of screaming matches occurring in the next few months.

Sleeping at night is still not a stable activity. She usually wakes up twice, but I refuse to go in and feed her before 5am unless she didn't get her usual number of feedings the day before.

She's a super happy baby and everyone is amazed at her contentment. She's usually the only baby in the nursery at church who never cries (until I go in to get her). She is quick with a smile and loves being around people, especially other children. Her happiness and contentment make her a very likeable kid. It's really only when she's screaming at 3am that we aren't so happy with her. But then, who is happy when they are awaken at 3am?

Then, of course there is the fact that she still has no hair.

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