So here at the Hotel Blake it is nap time. Padyn's really just reading on her Dora bed, but I'll take that as long as she is quiet and stays there. Kate's asleep in the bathroom. I know, I know...but it's a huge bathroom. She's really sleeping in luxury in there. Anyway, it being nap time, and I am stuck in the hotel room for a bit, I figured I'd tolerate the extremely cruddy wireless connection and show you what we did today...
We went to the beach.
Wait. Large crowds? Screaming jets?
What we did not know was that today was the rehearsal for the Chicago Air Show that is this weekend. We did know there was an airshow this weekend. We even talked about going to it. But we didn't know where it was, or that there would be a cool rehearsal today. We totally, accidentally stumbled upon it. How cool is that? We saw bombers, fighters, cargo, radial, and finally...the Thunderbirds. The kids loved it, the grown-ups loved it...a great time was had by all.
And I'll leave you with a final farewell from Padyn. Highly appropriate for our beach day...Hang Loose, Dude.
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