Friday, October 12, 2007

Photo Friday-18 Month Comparison

Here we go. Kate turned 18 months (OH MY GOSH! She's already a 1 and a 1/2 year old!) last week, and I finally took a few photos so we could compare the two girls at this age.

I don't have many new things to add concerning non-looks comparisons. The big differences between the two angels at this age continue to be movement, social interactions, and eating. At 18 months, Padyn had only been walking for a little over a month. Kate, on the other hand, is now running, trying to jump, climbing everywhere and everything (did I tell you I found her standing on the kitchen table yesterday?), and doing somersaults. Yes, somersaults by herself. She can do them better than Padyn can and Padyn is almost four.
Both girls are advanced in their verbal skills for an 18 month old. I know Padyn could say many many words at this age, but I wish I could remember what kind of language she was using. Kate loves repeating what everyone says, and then saying it over and over again. Today she kept repeating "bad girl" while we were walking through IKEA. I have no idea where that came from. I don't think I ever call either one of them a bad girl (that would be against my very careful use of language)...maybe I've called some dog that in the past. But really. She also loves to say, completely unprompted, "I love you, Mommy/Daddy/Padyn." It makes your heart melt. I mean, once you understand what she's trying to say. She loves stringing words together to make two and three word phrases. Really, I think she adores hearing her own sweet voice. Fortunately, we do, too. Especially her super long lazy "Yaaaaaaaahhhhhh."
At 18 months, both could point at various body parts, stick out their tongues, and close their eyes on command. Both LOVED (and still love) looking at themselves in the mirror, dancing around to the music in their head, singing classics like "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Wheels on the Bus." Unlike Padyn, Kate also knows the words to popular hits such as "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani and "Carry Me (Dead Man)" by Jars of Clay since her big sister is such a fan. Got love that older sibling influence. Although, one thing Kate doesn't seem to be influenced by is Padyn's love of TV. By 18 months, Padyn could sit mesmerised in front of Baby Einstein or Elmo for as long as I'd let her. She couldn't get enough. It was great for when I wanted to shower or needed 30 minutes to make dinner. Katelyn couldn't care less. She has no idea who Elmo, or any other Seasame Street character is. Not a bad thing, no. Just different. Although, over the last couple days I've noticed this changing. She'll say, "Kurs Joge? EE EE EE." for Curious George when Padyn is watching it and watch a few minutes of it before she wanders off to find me. Usually she wants me to come watch with her.
I've been realizing that there are things I was doing with Padyn at this age that I haven't done or don't do much with Kate yet, probably due simply to our busy life. At 18 months, Padyn knew the local library almost as well as her own house. I don't think Kate has been to the library in over a year. I finally have Kate in a class-at 18 months, Padyn had taken at least 3 little classes with me and was already starting to hone her dancing skills. But, somethings are different for Kate, too. Take french fries for example. With Padyn, I was adamant that she would not eat them until she was 2. Somehow, I managed to stick to that. Kate has been offered french fries for a few months now. See didn't actually eat them until last week, but still. Priorities shift.

I just can't get enough of these girls whether they are 18 months or almost 48 months. I need to start keeping better track of Padyn so I can better compare them in the future. Fortunately, in a few months, Kate will be at the age Padyn was when I started this blog, so it will be easier to compare the two.

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