Friday, March 28, 2008

Future Camper?

Padyn has spent almost all day under this blanket. Seriously...all day. She calls it her fort. It's her new favorite thing. The pros-completely self-entertained...for a LONG TIME. The cons-she doesn't want her sister anywhere near it (hence, tantrums on both ends) and whenever it falls, I have to go fix it.
She wanted to nap in it, but we drew the line. Instead, we made her a "tent" in the playroom. She slept, then woke up really hot. But at least she was happy about it.

We'll see if this lasts through the weekend or if was just a fad for today.

And I know, I know...she really needs a haircut. I'm shooting for Monday.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Callie's sleeping under her tent right this very minute. But her tent is in our room because her grandparents are sleeping in Callie's room. Not so great having a kid in our room, but Callie LOVES her tent.