Lately people have been telling me how much the girls look alike. Some are friends who have known both girls since birth and others have been strangers or casual aquaintences who have no knowledge of what Padyn used to look like. They are seeing a likeness now with the 2 1/2 year difference. I find this interesting because I myself have been struck in recent weeks by Padyn and Katelyn's similarities. Kate will have a certain look on her face, or turn her head a certain way, and I swear she could be her sister at this age. I don't think these pictures capture their particular similarities. In fact, I think they highlight their differences at this age...the hair, the cheeks, the smile. But there is something the same there. It's not even something I can put words to. I'm not sure if it's the shape of their smile, or a new fullness that Kate's cheeks seem to have. Is it the way they both tipped their head to the side and smiled at you coyly under their eyelids? I'm not sure. All I know is for how remarkably different they are, I'm seeing more of a resemblance every day.
Padyn at 10 months, 1 week
Kate at 9 months, 3 weeks
Kate at 9 months, 2 weeks
They definately look like sisters. I think they have the same mouth. But to me they don't look that much alike. At the very least, their eyes are completely different.
I sure love them both, though!
whoa, you have got to crop mt leg out of that last shot! Clearly you are blinded by the cuteness of your child.
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