Kate also loves being there because there are so many cool toys to play with. So many, many toys. This weekend she discovered Tinker Toys and a drum. Long plastic sticks. A new favorite. She also loved followed the big kids around, whether that was Corinne, Padyn or Elliot. Oh, and I can't forget that she discovered her new best friend, Anya. Anya is 5 1/2 months old and has just developed her army crawl. Now she can squirm after Kate and try to grab her eyes. Of course, Kate does not take this lying down. She grabs back. So fun.
As we were driving away Sunday evening, the first thing Padyn asks is, "When do we get to go back to Corinne's house?"
Two peas in a pod (do you see their matching hairstyles?)
Kate's new founded talent
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