Here are my
girlies doing what they do best...making me laugh.
Padyn's been all up in the
playdoh this week. On Saturday, she decided that it would be best to do
playdoh while wearing her fairy costume. I guess she's the
Playdoh Fairy now. This was also the day that she wanted to wear all pink. She picked out all her clothes, then when she was dressed, she said, "Mommy, I look like a girl!" She has learned somewhere that girls wear pink and boys wear blue. Later in the week I dressed Kate in baby blue
pjs for bed. When
Padyn saw her she said, "Kate looks like a boy!" Where do they learn all this stuff from?

Concentrate...steady now...and CUT!
Katelyn has discovered the pantry. All her food and some of
Padyn's snacks are on the bottom shelf. She must have some weird baby radar that informs her when I leave the pantry door open. She crawls just as fast as her little
tushie can go and proceeds to pull whatever she can off the shelf. Of course, she stops
occasionally to hold up snacks to show me. Without fail, she will always find and pull out her Biter Biscuits, hold them up, and grunt as if to say, "This, Mommy. This right here. This is what I want. Now. Right now." Then she sticks it in her mouth, wrapper and all. I love that kid.

Happy Friday!
Lovin' the Kate's plumber shot!
That's my girl. Not afraid to show off what she's got.
Nice new pic, btw.
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