Sunday, March 11, 2007

Comparison at Eleven Months

Kate's always in the top photo...
Here they are, finally. Only a week after Katelyn turned 11 months. The trouble is, I don't have a ton of pictures of Padyn at this age. She was mobile by now (Finally! The child didn't crawl until she was almost 10 months old!) and we had a really slow digital camera that just couldn't keep up with her. Instead of being constantly frustrated, I just stopped taking so many pictures. Of course, that's not the case anymore. Well, Katelyn's mobility is occasionally a problem, but I happen to have the world's most stellar camera, so her warp-speed crawl does not usually prohibit at least one good photo from being shot.Kate is finally catching up with her sister in the teeth department. She's cut 4 in the last 3 weeks. At least, that's what it feels like. There are three new ones on top that I'm not sure when they actually made an appearance, and a fourth bottom one seems to be making a break for it. Needless to say, the last week has been a snotty mess. I remember Padyn was cutting the third and fourth top teeth when on her first birthday and she already had all four on the bottom.But the hair still isn't coming in. Good thing Katelyn is so cute or I'd really be concerned with her baldness.I don't know about you, but they're just not looking so alike to me these days...


Mommy Jules said...

They look very different to me. I don't know who Padyn looks like, but Kate is an O'Grady. Happy St. Pat's

Susan said...

Different! Kate seems darker all around so must be Mommy's girl!