Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More Nine Month Updates

That last post was a comparison, but this one is contains the hard facts concerning Katelyn. I realized I haven't really done one about Padyn in a while, and I completely forgot to do one for her birthday, so I'll have to make up for that soon. They did both have a doctor's appointment today, so I have stats for Padyn now. Tomorrow I'll post her 3 year update or something.

Here's Kate's current stats, faves, quirks and achievements...

weight: 19 lbs (55th percentile)

length: 27 1/4 inches (45th percentile...we actually think this is not accurate and she must have been squirming because she was in the 75th percentile at her 6 month appointment. Oh well.)

Eating: 5 liquids and 3 solids a day

Sleeping: 1-2 naps and 10-13 hours at night with one feed between 5 and 7am

Milestones: (look here, here, and here for other milestones and activities during previous months)
At 9 months, Kate continues to crawl (rather quickly), put everything in her mouth (except actual food) and babble (Dada is still the favorite Momma yet). She can now pull herself up on tables, her crib and her older sister, though she's quickly learning that that's not the best object due to the fact that it moves. She is starting to wave without prompting and clap in response to someone else doing it. It's hard to tell if she's copying the sign for "more" or if she thinks you are clapping. They look the same when she does it. She responds to her name, holds her bottle, feeds herself small pieces of Cheerios and smiles almost all the time.
Favorites: As always, she still adores Padyn, but now her love has spilled over to all children under 5 feet tall. We were at the park today for playgroup and 3 of the other preschoolers were making her giggle like no one's business. She will stay happy for hours, way past her nap or bedtime, if she gets to watch larger children run around and have fun.

Katelyn also seems to have a new fondness for harassing her older sister. She's been doing this new thing where she tries to steal Padyn's paci from her. Before naptime for Padyn, all 3 of us get on Padyn's bed and read a book. Kate constantly crawls up Padyn (who is lying down) and laughs as she reaches for the pacifier in Padyn's mouth. Then she usually goes after Padyn's stuffed animals. She buries her face in them. I'm not sure if she is trying to eat them or scratch an itch on her nose. Either case, it bugs Padyn to no end who gathers up all her animals and holds them during the remainder of the story.

Her other favorite activities include bathing, helping Mommy unload the dishwasher, pulling all the magnets off the fridge, crawling into the bathroom every chance she gets, and pulling her sisters toys off the coffee table. She also enjoys joining in the noise. When Padyn is crying, whining or generally making a lot of noise with her mouth, Kate will start yelling. She doesn't want to be left out, I guess.

Eating is still not a particular favorite unless it's yogurt, banana or sweet potatoes. I figure eventually she'll eat other things if I just keep offering them to her. Today, the doctor suggested trying to give her larger table food (like an entire Cheerio) once a week to see how she does. All in her own time.

I'm assuming that this month she will start "cruising:" walking around while holding onto something like a table edge. I'm hoping that we hear "Momma" sometime soon, but I won't be surprised if she tries to say her sister's name first. I know we'll see more self-inflicted injuries. She pulls drawers open, which also means she shuts them on her hand. She hasn't figured out not to do that yet. And, as she learns how to get back to the ground after pulling herself to standing, I'm sure we'll have some bruising from just letting go and hoping for a soft landing.

Also new this month...she was diagnosed with her first ear infection today. Hopefully that will be cleared by her 10 month update.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Our baby girls are doing the same things. Except Avery's been cruising furniture and anything within reach and taken a few steps. Other than that, very similar. They'd have a ball if we got them together!