Friday, November 03, 2006

Comparison at Seven Months

Today is Katelyn's 7 month birthday. I took a cue from Rochelle and found an outfit that I have a picture of Padyn in at the same age. I even stuck Kate on the same bedspread that I have Padyn on in her picture. (In both sets, Kate is the top picture.)
It was challenging to get this photo of Katelyn. She kept getting down on her stomach and crawling toward me. Well, she was really crawling toward the camera. Especially that flashy thing on the top. She really really wanted that flashy thing.

Look at how much more hair Padyn had when she was 7 months old. And she really didn't have hair. She was much skinnier. That outfit was big and shaggy on Padyn (and Padyn is a week older that Kate is now in this picture). It's just about too small for Katelyn. In fact, when I went to look for outfits, it's the only one that Padyn was wearing at the time that I still have out for Kate. All the others were either to summery (it was June when Padyn was 7 months) or too small.

I should have looked at the bath picture of Padyn before I took the shot of Kate. Then I would have given her the foam numbers to stick in her mouth. And she would have. Everything goes in her mouth these days.

Let's see, what else is Katelyn doing at 7 months? She now can pseudo-crawl. It's like the inchworm crawl, but slower. Nothing on the floor is out of her reach. She is a determined little bugger. The other day I had the laptop on the floor for a minute while I went into the kitchen for something. When I came back Kate was on top of it slapping at the keys. That's her other favorite thing--hitting everything she comes into contact with. She's much more tactile than her sister was.

She also has a tooth. And a cough. And very sweaty feet. That's not cute or adorable. The only thing I can figure is that it's due to the fact that her feet are always moving, usually in circles.

The eating finally seems to have become interesting to her. She actually ate rice cereal two days ago and sweet potatoes today. She still isn't really keen to open her mouth. I usually give her her own spoon and when she opens her mouth to insert her spoon, I shove mine in. While she isn't actively spitting it out or gagging anymore, she definitely isn't eager to eat. I think it's more of a game to her now. How many funny faces can I make Mommy do before she gives up and forces the food in my mouth?

She doesn't like to be left by herself, especially when she is tired. But as long as others are around, especially Padyn or other babies, she's super content. It's actually a problem on Sundays because she refuses to fall asleep anymore in the nursery at church. She is just too entertained. It doesn't matter if she's been awake for 4 hours. She will not sleep until I go in and feed her. Then she'll only sleep for 15 minutes. She has to be a part of the party.

I have no idea what she currently weighs or how long she is. I do know she's eating 6 liquid feedings a day, and starting today, 2 solids a day. How in the world will I find time for that? Most days I'm working hard to get one solid feeding in. And many days I forget! I think my schedule will need to change a bit to get those in.

While I haven't moved her to a normal carseat yet, I did just move her up to a bigger infant seat. I'm just so not willing to give up the infant car seat. It's SOOOO easy. Once we move out of that, how will I get her into her room still asleep? What will I do when we go to pick Padyn up from school and she falls asleep in the car? At playgroup? At the gym? These are questions that I'm just not willing to explore yet. Maybe next month.

1 comment:

Ro said...

I love the same outfit pictures. Kate is such a cutie! So is Padyn, but I'm more use to her as her almost 3 year old self than as a baby! My Caitlin is also bigger than her brother was at the same age, is more tactile, moves everywhere, and bangs on the laptop keyboard. Maybe they'll be computer whizzes someday.