Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Happy Half Birthday, Kate!

Kate is 6 months old today. Six months. I can't believe it. I am not sure where the last 6 months went, but apparently they happened and I wasn't paying close enough attention. I remember feeling like we had come so far when Padyn turned 6 months. Like I had completed a marathon or something. This time around...I can't figure out how it went so quickly. Hopefully I'm taking enough pictures and getting enough one on one cuddly time with Kate so she knows she's just as important as Padyn. If she ends up in therapy, I guess you can blame me.

Anyway, after visiting the doctor this morning, (who was very surprised to see how much Kate was moving, pulling up to her knees, and doing a plank) here are her current stats:

Weight: 16 lbs, 12 oz (70th %ile)
Length: 26 1/4 inches (75th %ile)

Feedings: 6 feedings a day. Supposed to start solids. (Been too lazy to do that.)
Sleeping: 2-3 naps, 10-12 hours at night

Milestones: rolling, grabbing feet, pulling knees up under herself and rocking back and forth, plank, moving backwards, turning her body 180 degrees while on her stomach, putting her pacifier in and out of her mouth, sitting up mostly by herself, giggling, smiling, making cooing noises, jumping when standing on your lap or in her exersaucer, almost able to put a sippy cup in her mouth by herself, turns when you call her name.

Favorite people: Padyn, Mommy, Padyn, Padyn, Daddy and Padyn

Favorite activities: pushing herself backwards under things (coffee table, piano bench, crib, the bed), playing with her little piano, sitting on Mommy's lap, watching Padyn do anything, putting everything in her mouth, hanging out in her exersaucer, watching other children, passing her pacifier back and forth between each hand, playing with the curtains, grabbing EVERYTHING she can reach.

Least favorite activities:Going to sleep, watching Mommy vacuum, and being left alone in a room.

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