Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Comparison at Six Months

This month I'm going to mix things up a bit. I decided it was too hard to find one picture that captured both the girls, so I decided to post a few. The pictures alternate Kate, Padyn.

I had forgotten that Padyn was such a chunky girl. Since Kate is bigger than Padyn was at this stage, I guess I figured Padyn was more petite. No, she just weighed less and was shorter. She made up for it in her chunky cheeks and thighs.

When I look closely and compare, I only see a few things. Both girls have smiles that will melt your heart. Padyn definitely had more hair at this stage. Their eyes are almost the same color and their heads are shaped similarly. Kate's head is a bit smaller, therefore I think it makes her face look rounder.

I am constantly amazed that God has blessed us with these two beautiful girls. I love seeing them grow, change, and learn; even when it means tantrums and battles of the will. I'm so curious to see who they turn into. At the same time, I want them to stay small forever.

Comparison at Five Months (from there, there is a link to the other comparisons.)

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