Thursday, October 05, 2006


On Tuesday, I took Padyn out to the duck pond for the first time ever. It was a serious case of deja vu for me. Growing up, my grandfather (whom Padyn is named after) took us to this very duck pond all the time. It was mostly how I remembered it, except I seem to remember boats being nearby. Like there was a harbor or something. No harbor now that I can see. Maybe my childhood brain got mixed up. Who knows. Regardless, it's a great place. Not only are there waterfowl and a pond with a big fountain shooting water up in the middle of it, but it's right next to the little airport. As you can see in the next picture, the runway is right next to one of the paths on the pond. (Can you see the little plane coming in for a landing on the left?) Padyn and her friend Owen got to feed the birds and chase the airplanes. What more could a kid ask for? Oh, yeah. Rocks. They could ask for rocks. Good thing there was plenty of rocks. The place Padyn is sitting in that top picture? It's on top of a pile of rocks. When we ran out of stale bread and chips to feed the ducks? We got to throw rocks in the pond.

Kate didn't have such a good time, which is why there are no pictures of her. She had been asleep for about 10 minutes when an airplane woke her up. And of course she would not go back to sleep. She just wasn't very happy. But someday soon, she too will be able to be out there throwing stale bread at the ducks. Then I'll have two kids to try to keep out of the pond. That was the only downfall. Padyn wanted to go under the chain and closer to the water. Who knows if she actually wanted to go in. When she's older and I can explain to her what "recycled water" is, maybe she won't be as eager to get near it.

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