Monday, October 30, 2006

Oops, There It Is

The other day I wrote about how Kate hadn't cut any teeth yet. Well, you should only write about things on your blog that you want to happen.

Last night, after being asleep for over 3 hours, Kate woke up screaming. I, being the loving, compassionate mother I am, wanted to let her cry it out. Especially after I had already been in twice in 20 minutes-once to retrieve the paci and once to nurse her. Daddy was a bit more compassionate (I had already thrown the pillow over my head and was praying, "Why, God, why?") While he was in there with her, Kate's screams woke Padyn up, so then I got up, again, and went to fix that. On my way back to bed I decided we should do what we always do when our children are inexplicably cranky-drug them. We gave Kate a bit of gas medicine and baby Tylenol, and she soon settled down (with Daddy's help). Thankfully, we didn't hear from her again until 4:45am. (Remember that time change? It's a killer with little ones. They don't seem to notice that they gained an hour on Sunday morning.)

We had one happy baby this morning. She was all goo-goo and gaa-gaa on the changing table. And that's when I saw it. Some white on her lower gum. I stuck my finger in there and, sure enough, there was the jagged little bone of her new tooth protruding from her gum. And if you look closely, it looks like the next one is right on top of it.

It might be a long few nights.

1 comment:

Double A's Mom said...

Oh, man. I'll be thinking of you over the next couple nights. Teething is no fun.

I'm so glad that someone else shares my "When all else fails, give 'em some Tylenol" approach.

The time change has been a killer for Aaron too. It's not something specific that I can pinpoint; he just seems out of whack in general. Well, he did wake up at 5:30 this morning and wouldn't go back to sleep for about a half hour or so. You're right - they don't realize that they've gained an hour! They wake up when they normally do which happens to be an hour earlier! Auugghh!