Friday, October 27, 2006

Something Padyn Actually Did First

While there are a few things Padyn did before Kate when she was a babe (slept through the night, grew hair, ate solids), Kate definitely has taken the lead in most areas (weight, rolling, crawling). But I realized there is one thing Kate is slower than Padyn at doing-getting teeth. By this time (6 months, 3 weeks) Padyn had cut two teeth. I keep thinking Kate is teething and occasionally I'm positive I see teeth there in her bottom gums. But, alas, nothing sharp is poking out yet. Today I can't see anything at all.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not actually disappointed Kate doesn't have teeth yet. Because, really? This girl? Her personality? I think she'll be all excited about biting me when those teeth get here. And Mommy can do without the biting while nursing, thank you very much.

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