Monday, February 26, 2007

I Just Stole this From Brand New Momma

Apparently, thieving is in the air today. Lisa stole from me, I stole from's all good.
This is the group of us who were in Kauai together. I never managed to get a shot of us all, but Matt did. Now if I can only get him to send it to me...
And if you want a refresher of what all the girls looked like pre-children, you can look here (13 or 14 years ago) or here (four years ago).


Susan said...

I stole it from Matt first- so it's one big thieving circle.
Who taught us manners, anyway? Nana D!?!

Anonymous said...

Let's not malign the Nana! It is fun to see how you have all changed over the years. It would have been fun if Hana and Jodie had been able to make this trip...don't know where you would have put all the people though!
Nana D