First of the firsts, Padyn started preschool again this week and I managed to get a picture of her on Thursday, which was really her first day of school. Of course, we were late, and I took the pictures in the parking lot at school. Clearly, she was not very pleased to get her photo taken. I'm sure she's wondering why the heck we're still out in the parking lot when all of her friends are in class getting a head start on their art projects. Of the 5 or so photos I took, this sad one was the best. Honest. What is it about 3 1/2 year olds and their fake smiles? But forget her insincerity. You must admire her new dress from Grandma...she was very excited to wear it, even if she doesn't look it.
Also on Thursday, Padyn started the dance class that she will be in for the entire year. Because I'm a bad mommy, she was the only one in the class that didn't have tap shoes for the tap portion. Mainly, her lack of tap shoes was due to Mommy's cheapness. I was hoping that I could find another family that wanted to part with some used ones for a reasonable price. Seeing as how that was not the case, I'll have to go out and spend some money on them this week. Apparently you can get them at Payless. Who knew? I guess we'll be making a trip there sometime this week so Padyn is not an outcast next Thursday.
But I did manage to get this photo of Padyn and Marti. I wonder if there's one of me with her from 27 years ago. She looks the same, doesn't she Mom, Christie and Colleen? And she sounds exactly the same. I was transported back in time listening to her give the girls instruction in alligator steps and toe taps. So so fun...
The last first of the week concerns Kate, and there are no photos to document it. You'll have to rely on my amazing memory to make it real for you. Ok, really, you just have to read on. We went to the zoo today. It wasn't actually the first time Kate has been to the zoo, but it's the first time she has been aware and interested in the animals. She was so adorable. She kept shouting at me, "Momma! Momma! Momma!" and when I'd respond she'd wildly point to whatever animal we were looking at and babble very excitedly about it. Ten seconds later, she'd shout at me again. About the same animal.
I did learn that I will have to start some explicit instruction regarding animals. She kept telling me everything was a monkey. I can see how she might be confused by a lemur or a goat, but she was sure the frogs and lizards were monkeys. Hmmm...
Her new words today were "giraffe" and "Abbie." (We were at the zoo with our friends CJ and Abbie and their Mommy). Oh, and she actually ate meat today. And a tomato. AND she drank an entire sippy cup of milk. (Two days ago I banned the bottle forever. She's been forced to drink her precious milk out of sippy cups. She doesn't like it very much. Never will she finish a cup in one sitting. Today she did. Progress is good.) It was a big day for Katelyn. I'm sure she'd tell you all about it if you let her.
Last time I was at Once Upon a Child I found 3-4 pairs of tap shoes. I almost bought a pair for Ella for fun, but made myself wait until the purchase was appropriate. Try there if you are in the market for used ones.
That's a good idea. There are none close by here. All the used children's stores here closed there doors. Very weird.
Hey there! I do believe that I have been here before, after you commented my post about The Office (thanking Lisa for a link that allowed me to watch the full episodes and catch up on the season) a while ago? Gotta love The Office...
Anyway. To my point. How cool is it that your daughter takes dance from the same instructor you had as a child? That is awesome, what special memories and stories you will be able to share together later. :o)
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