Monday, September 24, 2007

On a Mission

I came home from Bodega Bay this weekend with a little extra something that I didn't have when I left home on Friday-a throat cold. And while I don't feel terrible or congested or anything, I'm tired. Really tired. Like it's 8:30 and I'm about to go to bed tired.

So my mission? To get rid of this cold before Thursday. You see, on Thursday, Joel and I are going away to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Yes, our anniversary was last month, but who cares? We haven't been away together overnight without children since Padyn was 20 months old. It's about time. And I don't want a stupid throat cold super exhaustion thing to ruin it.

Suggestions? Besides going to bed right now, I mean...


Ro said...

My friend Cindy use to swear by zinc throat lozenges. Said they tasted terrible, but cut her cold by a few days. Never tried them. I'm still a big fan of Advil and sleep. Have fun on your trip! We're planning something for next year. It is so good to get away without kids! Love them, but need to get away sometimes.

Unknown said...

I swear by airborne! All the doctors at the cancer center last year used it to keep from getting sick and spreading it to their patients and I use it around exam time to ward off all the sicklings in my class. Do you think I'd miss an exam b/c I was sick ? NO WAY...the makeups are oral exams. You have a better chance of flying to the moon than passing a med school exam made just for you.