Monday, November 19, 2007

Five Days of Gratitude-Day 2

Today, I'm thankful for little things. That is appropriate because it's often the little things that steal my joy and drive me crazy. So, the following things are what counteract the tantrums, the piles of laundry, the dirty dishes, and all the other minutia that threaten my day.

I am grateful for...
* A good cup of coffee (especially the ones J brings me in bed in the morning)
* The laughter of my kids
* 10 minutes to curl up with novel
* A backrub from my hubbie
* Wireless Internet
* Full Episodes on TV shows on-line
* A full tank of gas in traffic
* The feel of my baby's hand in mine
* Handwritten notes from friends
* My iPod
* Cute shoes
* Naps
* Fresh cut flowers
* A working oven
* Sunsets
* Fresh baked cookies
* Clear roads when you are expecting traffic

...and many many other things. This is just want I thought of in 2 minutes. You can add yours in the comments.


Erin said...

I might have to add mine in a new post. This is a great idea, by the way. Good way to keep the ideas flowing and so appropriate for this week!

Ro said...

Sleeping children
Sleeping in
Hot baths
Insulation (we have that here)
A good marriage
Friends who keep in touch