Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Five Days of Gratitude-Day 3

It goes without saying that I am grateful for my two beautiful girls. On their good days, they are loving, charming, cuddly and adorable. On the not so good days...well, I just have to remind myself of all of their good qualities. That's were today's post is going. Of all the things about my kids I have to be grateful for, one that is near the top of the list is that they are good sleepers.

I know that not everyone is as blessed as we are in this regard, and I tend to be quick to complain when we have one bad night or one too-short nap. But really, they are great sleepers and I truly believe that is one of the things that keeps me sane in this game of motherhood. Usually (because there's always an occasional exception) they happily go to bed by 8pm. They don't whine or cry about it. They don't get up 13 times before settling in for the night. They don't demand more books or water or a brighter nightlight. (Although lately, Padyn has been trying to control and extend the nighttime routine by demanding more hugs and kisses once she's already in bed.) We don't have to threaten them with bodily harm or throwing away all their toys. They stay in their room until their CD alarm clock goes off and they are happy to see us when either Padyn comes running in our room to tell us Bob and Larry is on, or we go in to get them up. I'm SOOOO grateful that they don't get up at 5am.

They typically like taking naps, although Padyn is at the age where I can't tell her to take a nap anymore. It's "quiet time" now, but still...she goes willingly most days. Kate lunges toward her crib, she's so happy to be there for a nap. I know way too many people whose kids refuse to nap or rest by 2 and a half years old. UGH! How do they get anything done around the house like laundry or dishes? Or blogging?

Also? They don't have physical sleep issues. Sure, Kate can't find her pacifier in the middle of the night and requires us to go in with a flashlight to locate it, but she doesn't have breathing issues or night terrors. They don't have sleep apnea. They sleep comfortably through the night without much intervention from us.

Definitely something to be grateful for.


Double A's Mom said...

Yes, yes, yes! God has graced me with a good sleeper too and I think that's what keeps me sane during Aaron's waking moments. I can deal with anything during the day as long as you let me sleep at night.

I'm also happy to hear that both of your girls are good sleepers. I have this lingering fear that our next kid is going to be different from Aaron in that regard. I mean, how do you get that lucky twice?

threeforme said...

Well, Kate was a little tougher initially, but in the end, they are both great. I just had to wait a little longer for Kate to get there and try some different techniques (like playing music for her so she didn't scream herself to sleep). It helps that when the 2nd one comes, you are more at ease in the parenting thing, so if there is an issue, you feel more confident to deal with it.