Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trying to Figure it Out

Padyn is really concerned about when her real birthday is. Not only did she have her party on Saturday, but today she brought cupcakes to school where she was crowned with a birthday hat and sung to. And yet, it is still not her real birthday. And she knows it.

I try to appease her by telling her that we had her real party on Saturday. That was it. No more parties. It will be her real birthday tomorrow, but she already had her real party.

This won't be a big deal, except that she is adamant that she needs to have a party on her real birthday. She goes back and forth as to whether this party will be at our house or at gymnastics again. I don't think the location is as important to her as the fact that we must celebrate in some way, and with a cake, on her real birthday.

I have no plans to make a cake. I've already made 4 dozen cupcakes, the last dozen of which will come with us to playgroup tomorrow, on her real birthday.

I'm not quite sure what she is expecting, and surely I don't want her to be disappointed. We'll give her the presents from us and other family members tomorrow, but other than playgroup, presents, and going out to lunch on her real birthday, I don't think we can drag this birthday thing out anymore than we already have.

Oh, except there is another birthday on Friday...mine. Which, of course, Padyn cares nothing about.

Maybe I should ask her to make me a cake.


Ro said...

Brandon can't turn his age on his birthdays until after he eats his cake. Not sure where that came from, but I can sympathize with your pain!

Chrissy said...

Payden belongs to my "club"...i believe in stretching out the birthday celebration as long as possible! I hope you find a way to make your day special,too.