Monday, November 06, 2006

I Did It!

Look! Over there on the right. Under my profile but before the sidebar with links. It's my Flickr badge! I actually managed to get it on here without completely destroying the rest of my template. (SO glad I have that unpublished Test Blog to try new things on.)

Now you can click on any of those beautiful pictures of Kate stuffing her face, and it will take you right to my Flickr sight where you can view ALL the pictures of Kate stuffing her face. And crawling around on the bed. And playing with Padyn.

Go. Try it. Let me know if it doesn't work. (Although, really, I have no idea what to do if it doesn't work.)


Double A's Mom said...

Your Flickr badge looks so rad! I love the matching red colors too. I am determined to find out what's wrong with mine. In the meantime, I will gaze longingly at yours.

Ro said...

Isn't it funny how we get so excited when we figure out how to do stuff online. I do the same thing. I still don't know how you did that, though. You'll have to teach me.

Cozy Mom said...

GREAT JOB! You have wanted that Flickr for while, I'm glad you go it to work. Bella and I love the picutres of Kate eating..those were Bella's favoirte foods too. BUT I have to confess that in a few picutres it looks like she is choking...I am sure she was just so excited about her prunes that she stopped breathing long enough to make her veins pop out and her eyes turn bright red.

threeforme said...

She was so not choking people! She was so excited, and opened her mouth so wide, it made her eyes turn red. Well, and she might have been previously choking on a Cheerio. She loves choking on those.

Rashenbo said...

Cool! Flickr's awesome!