Monday, November 06, 2006

Padyn's Pick of the Week

You know how Padyn loves to listen to the same music over and over again. Well, this week we have been required to listen to They Might Be Giants No album again and again. We hadn't listened to this one is a while because Padyn had never really been into it. But, for some reason Daddy had been singing her the Violin song off that album this week, so I decided to pull it out and try again. I figured it would be a nice break from Veggie Tales.

Note to self: Never never NEVER have Padyn listen to something that you won't be able to stand repeated over and over and over again. And? Veggie Tales isn't that bad.

It started with the Violin song. We had to listen to it like 28 times in a row. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and pulled the Mommy card. I told her it was Mommy's turn and we switched to something else. But like the almost 3 year old she is, she was asking for the Violin song again after 13 seconds.

Then it was the No song. The title of the song is "No" but she calls it the "Yes and No Song."

Then the constant requests to go back and forth between the two songs.

Finally, I forced her to listen to other songs on the album. And a strange thing happened. She wanted to listen to the new songs and not "Violin" and "No" anymore. Ok.

Now she has her own little name for all the songs and she'll ask for particular ones before we even get in the car. This morning I was putting her shoes on and she told me she wanted to listen to the Broom song when we got in the car. Of course, I started singing it because it is now trapped forever inside my skull. Here's what she said:

"No, Mommy. You can't sing the song. Wait until we get into the car."

"I can't sing it?"

"No. You have to wait until we are in the car."

Ok. So, we get in the car, I turn the key and we are about ready to roll. I told her I'd put on the Broom song.

"No, Mommy. Wait 'til we're driving."

I start backing up out of the garage.

"Ok, Mommy. You can turn it on now. But don't sing."

I'm ready to go back to Veggie Tales anytime.


Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Coley TOTALLY think she is the boss of when I can sing and when I can't. And right now the song she asks for 50 times a second is "I-was-lying-in-my-bed-and -I-was-feeling-kind-of-sleepy." You know. "God is Bigger" -- Veggie Tales.

It's a mouthful, but she gets it out fast.

Cozy Mom said...

Did you know that They Might be Giants has a kid CD called ABC...we checked it out at the library. Bella calls it the "Bad Guys" music. You should listen to it, it is clever...but very liked to get stuck in your head if paydn gets a hold of it. Okay I am way far behind with this one a day blogging thing. I'll have to catch up tonight.