Saturday, November 04, 2006

Two More

Just two more fun pictures from my mom's house.

Padyn with Grandpa Lane after helping him blow out his candles and laying on top of Auntie next to Leo dog.

Speaking of cute pictures, I just registered with Flickr yesterday. I am tired of not being able to post all the pictures I want in an entry. Now, you can not only look at them, but leave comments as well! When I figure out how to do it (or Lisa gives me a short tutorial in it), I'll have them as a banner on the top post right here on the blog. You'll be able to click on one and it will take you to Flickr where you can view them all. There aren't many up yet, and I don't plan on posting old photos unless someone really gives me a hard time about it, but you can see what's up there now at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yippee!!! I made it onto the blog. I feel so honored.